We are excited to announce that Stephanie Welch, registered dietitian and Knoxville City Council member, will be speaking at the March KAND meeting. She will be pulling from her extensive experience in public health and community involvement to speak about about
Learning Objectives Contaminants in our Water and Environment (Lead, Arsenic, Fluoride) 1. Discuss What Role Does Nutrition Play in the Prevention or Treatment of Childhood Lead Poisoning? JAND Nov.2012 p.1916 2. Visit the KUB website (www.kub.org) for the latest report of
KAND will not be holding an April meeting. Instead, we are encouraging our members to attend the TAND Annual Meeting. It will be held in Chattanooga this year. Complete the survey below if you are interested in carpooling (day of
Learning Objectives Recommended Uses of Fiber Supplements, Snack Foods and New Food Product 1.Discuss Understanding the Physics of Functional Fibers in the Gastrointestinal Tract: An Evidence-Based Approach to Resolving Enduring Misconceptions about Insoluble and Soluble Fiber JAND Feb.2017 p. 251 2.Review